Skid steer vehicles are a type of heavy-duty vehicles that are not able to turn as regular trucks but rather skid on the surface to change direction. The tires on one side of these vehicles can operate independently of those on the other side. Using both sets of tires at different speeds allows the skid steer to turn in an extremely small radius. If required, they use a rotating motion and can turn on their standing position. This feature may seem like a shortfall, but it is actually a capability as it makes the loaders perfect for job sites that do not have much space to reverse and turn. Skid steer vehicles prove their worth in such conditions.

Using skid steer movements also puts a lot of stress on the tire. That is why skid steer tires are built to last longer and have a more complex construction style than regular tires. Skid steer tires come in two basic variants: pneumatics and solids.

The pneumatic tires consist of a standard tubeless tire that is filled with air or liquid. The liquid-filled tires are packed with a foam based thick liquid that acts as a cushion and proves more effective than the air filled tires. However, liquid-filled tires are more expensive than the air-filled ones.

Solid skid steer tires are a solid piece of rubber tires that are designed to survive heavy wear and tear on job sites. These tires are built to last longer and are able to bear heavy loads with greater efficiency. These tires are flat proof as they cannot be punctured in any situation. Solid skid steer tires provide excellent traction on the surface and have a high weight bearing capacity.

To find a good deal on skid steer tires, you should try buying it online. Finding a good dealer online is quite easy. Just keep in mind the following:

  • Look for a dealer that specials in skid steer tires among others. They will have the industry expertise and provide you better options.
  • Have a look at the tires available. The better stores will stock a larger number of tires for various sizes of skid steer vehicles.
  • Look for a player that offers good deals. You should be able to get your tires at a more economical price than what you would have got at a store.
  • If you run a business, you are likely to need a larger number of tires on a regular basis. The better sites will recognize this and give you good discounts, including free deliveries and cash on delivery options.

Online shopping has its various advantages. For instance, it enables you to check any number and type of tires at the same time without any problem. You can see as many tires as you want and shortlist the ones you like according to your budget and needs. Plus, you can compare the price between various sellers for the same product. You will not have any logistics issues as delivering your product on the due date is the responsibility of the website, not yours. Apart from saving your hard-earned money through discounts and cash-backs, online shopping saves your precious time.