With zero radius turning, skid steer tires generate a lot of friction.  This is an indication of the special nature of the tires that go into the skid steers.  With a lot of attention on the manoeuvrability aspect of the skid steer, the tires needless to say, have to be the best. Its versatile and pirouetting action calls for a robust and durable build with the superior quality materials and advanced processes.  Read on and understand a few technical aspects that you need to look for, in the workhorse skid steer tires.

Extra sidewalls on heavy duty tires

Skid steers are exposed to objects and materials that can cause serious damage to the sidewalls of tires. The vulnerability is basically a terrain hazard as the skid steers are meant to operate in such locations.  This calls for the design to include extra sidewalls. A good skid steer tire should ideally have extra sidewalls to prevent punctures to the tire during operation. Such tires need to have good protection without affecting the overall performance of the skid steer.

Self-cleaning design

When operating in specific terrain, there is a possibility of mud getting trapped in the treads of the tires. If the treads get filled with mud, the tires will be as good as bald and offer lesser traction. A good skid steer will incorporate self-cleaning tread patterns which will ensure that the mud gets dislodged automatically as the tires turn. These advanced design patterns help to keep the skid steer tire free from mud and junk. It is important to prevent build-up of mud or junk, which will impair operations.

Higher ply ratings

Skid steer tires with higher ply ratings translate into better load carrying capacity. Technically the term plies may appear redundant. But, higher ply ratings indicated on tires are a reflection on the strength of the tires. They inform the user that the tires have a heavier load carrying capacity, and are able to pack in a lot of air pressure. This is a feature that buyers need to look for, in skid steer tires.

While going in for skid steers tires, additional technical information can be sought. Such as, the availability of bead guards etc. The quality of the tires need to match the power packed operation of the skid steers. Therefore, choose carefully from reputed sellers and enjoy optimized operations of the skid steers.